4 tips to feel good in your head

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You have come to the right place to find 4 tips to feel good in your head

The year has already started well, good resolutions are harder to keep and our good habits more difficult to keep… to that are added constraints or obligations, or simply life!

I wanted to talk to you here about my tips for feeling good in your head (and in your body!)….

First tip to feel good in your head: sleep 8 hours a day

Having a good sleep routine is essential for good health because sleep is necessary for the proper functioning of the body and the proper regeneration of cells. The body, during the night, works in slow motion and regenerates itself. As for the brain, it takes advantage of the sleep phase to “sort” the information it has received throughout the day. By sleeping poorly or not enough, you will be easily distracted and have a harder time staying focused on a task.

There is also a link between quality of sleep and food balance. After a bad night, we feel weak and we tend to eat to compensate for this lack of energy. Sleeping well therefore avoids snacking, but also having better skin (beauty sleep, does that mean anything to you?), Energy and being concentrated.

So stop watching Netflix all night and sleep!

To stop sugar, help you feel better about yourself

The insulin resistance produced by overconsumption of bad sugars will render the mitochondria (powerhouses of our cells) inactive.

When our mitochondria are tired, we struggle to move forward, we are too tired to play sports and demoralized too. So, stopping the sugar will regulate the insulin level in the blood and reactivate the mitochondria: we produce energy again. Incredible!

This is also an effect that can be felt with physical activity: getting back into movement regenerates the mitochondria and gives us hell!

The overconsumption of sugars will lower our morale, motivation, energy and put us in a very irritable state … It’s a real addiction, so stop!

sortir du stress

Traveling and following your dreams helps you feel good in your life and in your head

“Travel is the only one we buy that makes us richer”… have you ever heard that expression? Of course, that the trip makes us richer… and it really feels good in our heads…

… because we lose our bearings and our habits, we are no longer tempted by the same vicious circles and can more easily adopt new daily actions that suit us more.

… because elsewhere, we drop our masks and pretenses to expose our true face and personality

… because stepping outside of one’s framework also means distancing oneself from one’s culture, rubbing shoulders with that of another country, with another way of life.

… because travel allows us, even forces us, to be active by setting us in motion, forcing us to come out of the heaviness of a sedentary lifestyle and rediscover the pleasures of movement.

…. because when traveling, you open your eyes, heart and head to learn new things: new ways of living, a new language, new activities, new forgotten civilizations, new ways of seeing the world and of being represent happiness

Traveling is getting out of your comfort zone and there is nothing more rewarding than traveling and following your dreams to feel good in your head

Surround yourself with positive people who support our dreams to feel good

It is often said that we are the sum of the 5 five people with whom we spend the most time…. And it’s true that the people we surround ourselves with influence our moods, outlook and builds a certain energy.

If you surround yourself with people who bring you down, who don’t believe in you and don’t push you to achieve your dreams, who laugh at your ambitions or don’t understand why you are not “happy with what you have ”you won’t be able to feel good.

Feeling good in your head goes through surrounding yourself with positivity, creative energy, people who challenge you to go further and not send you back their fears and mediocrity.

It’s not always easy if it’s your family, but “friends” who tell you “it’s all the bad that I wish you” have no place in your life.