According to a study published in 2013, it seems that there is no difference between whey protein (whey) and rice protein regarding muscle mass gain, fat loss, strength and power. What does this study tell us?
2 groups of 12 people consumed either 48g of whey isolate (whey isolate) or 48g of rice isolate after strength training, at a rate of 3 workouts per week, and this for 8 weeks.

Their training consisted of 3
sets of 8 to 12 reps of thigh press, military press, press press
lying down, pull-ups and various isolation exercises. The subjects were
selected so that the 2 groups are very homogeneous (strength, age,% of
muscle mass as close as possible).
Why 48g?
This is a dose that may seem
very high, especially since this is a protein isolate. Clearly, we isolate
proteins, by removing as much fat and carbohydrates as possible, to
that the protein level is greater than 90%. This means that for one dose
48g, we get more than 43g of protein.
But here, we chose 48g because
the researchers wanted the level of leucine (an essential amino acid determining
in muscle building) is sufficiently high with regard to
rice protein. Because basic rice protein contains less
leucine than whey.

Plant protein contains 6-8% leucine, while animal protein contains 9-11%. And according to these researchers, the dose of post-workout leucine that seems optimal for muscle mass gain is 2 to 3g.
So, to fill the gap in
leucine from rice protein, they voluntarily increased the intake of
protein isolate, so that each of these isolates can be consumed at the
minimum 2g of leucine.
Study results
We were able to demonstrate with this study
that rice protein is just as effective as whey in terms of
muscle mass gain, if the dose consumed is sufficient.
You can see from the table
depending on whether the 2 groups gained muscle mass while losing
fat mass.

In addition, we could also determine that the recovery was also fast, in particular with regard to muscle aches. Both groups rated similar muscle pain (on a scale of 1 to 10; 1 being no pain and 10 being very severe pain).
What can we conclude from this?
Already, I think we have to postpone
things in their context: we absolutely cannot deduce
something at the level of advantages / disadvantages vis-à-vis a
omnivorous or vegan (vegan) diet.
Indeed, we do not know what the participants in this study ate outside of training. We only know their distribution in macronutrients, namely 25% in protein, 25% in fat and 55% in carbohydrate. Carrying out this kind of studies over a longer period of time with a group of omnivorous participants and a group of vegan (vegans) participants might be particularly relevant.
However, we know how crucial a post-workout snack is in your quest to gain muscle mass. In addition, it is said that they consumed between 1.2 and 2g of protein per kg of body weight. Assuming that participants’ average weight is 75kg and they consumed 1.5g of protein per kg of body weight, we get 112.5g of protein per day.

And we know that they already consumed at least 43g of protein after their workout. So they consumed nearly 40% of their daily protein intake through this rice isolate intake.
Therefore, even if the 2
groups had an omnivorous diet outside of training, we can
nonetheless draw positive conclusions about the possibilities of linking the
veganism and bodybuilding.
It is simply a matter of combining the different sources of protein throughout the day (legumes and grains or turning to sources of already complete protein ), eating in the way as complete and varied as possible.
How to put this into practice?
Beyond trying to consume such a quantity of protein after training (43g) to have an optimal amino acid intake, there is a simpler and more practical solution (especially since protein isolates are excessively expensive).
For example, by buying different sources of vegetable protein and BCAAs (steroide online kaufen) and making this mixture yourself. More details in video by clicking here .
This helps reduce the amount of protein we consume after training, thanks to the balance of different amino acids.
If you want to go further, you can download your free vegan nutrition guide now by clicking here . Train with the heart, eat with the heart.